
The Open Door of Salvation

We are living in a unique time—an era of the open door, through which the Gospel is being proclaimed across the world with unprecedented power and reach. The graph of Earth's population growth shown above clearly demonstrates the extraordinary surge in human numbers over the past few centuries. This exponential increase is closely linked to the spiritual revival that began with the Reformation. This demographic explosion is not a coincidence—it is part of God's plan, as the Church restored the lost knowledge of God, and now, the truth is being preached to the largest audience in history before the door of salvation closes.

The Reformation: A Revival of God’s Knowledge

For most of human history, the population of the Earth remained relatively stable. However, a dramatic shift occurred after the Reformation. This era of spiritual awakening began with early reformers like Peter Waldo in the 12th century, and gained momentum through figures like Martin Luther and John Calvin. During this time, the essential truths of salvation and baptism, lost for over a millennium, were restored.
The Bible, once restricted to a select few, was translated into the languages of the common people. This allowed ordinary believers to read the Word of God for themselves, sparking widespread revival and renewal. As the Church grew in understanding and faith, the population began to grow in parallel. This wasn’t merely a demographic shift—it was an opening of the door for the Gospel to reach more souls than ever before, as God prepared the world for the final harvest.

The Open Door of Salvation and the Latter Rain

The population growth curve, resembling an exponential surge, mirrors the image of an open door—symbolizing this unique window of time for spreading the Gospel. This is the Philadelphian Church period, a time when the door of salvation is wide open for the Gospel to reach as many people as possible. The Philadelphian Church is marked by its faithfulness and brotherly love, through which the Holy Spirit has worked to restore spiritual truths to the Church.
However, we are living in the final days of this era. The time of the Philadelphian Church is drawing to a close, and soon we will enter the Laodicean Age, where the Church will be divided and weakened. According to Scripture, the open door of salvation will soon shut, marking the end of this period. When that happens, the final division between the faithful Philadelphian Church and the lukewarm Laodicean Church will be complete.

God's Plan for the Last Days

The fact that the world’s population has grown more in the last 300 years than in all the previous centuries combined is part of God's plan. He desires that the Gospel, in its fullness and power, be heard by as many people as possible before the end. In these days, we await the latter rain—the final outpouring of the Holy Spirit before Christ’s return. Just as the early rain of the Holy Spirit fell on the apostolic church, we are now on the verge of a new awakening, as many across the world will respond to God’s call for salvation.

Lionheart Revival’s Role in the Great Awakening

At Lionheart Revival, our mission is to participate in this final spiritual awakening. We create music infused with the Gospel message, using the universal language of music to reach hearts that may not be touched by traditional forms of preaching. Music transcends boundaries, and through it, we seek to proclaim the message of salvation during this pivotal moment in history. Our songs are part of the great mission of the Philadelphian Church, ensuring that God’s voice is heard in this world of noise and distractions, as the door remains open.

The Last Opportunity for the World

The time of the open door is coming to an end. The graphs clearly show that the exponential growth of the world’s population aligns with the final days of spiritual revival. There will come a moment when the door of salvation closes, and the final separation will take place. This is the last opportunity for the world to hear the call of salvation. We must use this time to raise our voices and share the Gospel with as many people as possible while the door is still open.
About Lionheart Revival